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Netherlands - Utrecht

Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands (© goga18128/Bigstock)
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Utrecht is the fourth largest city in the Netherlands and its metro area has a population of c. 600,000. Its science park, Utrecht Science Park (USP), is the largest science park in the Netherlands with two overlapping activities, which are life sciences and sustainability. The science park has its main location on the east side of the City of Utrecht formerly known as “De Uithof ” and a satellite location called Utrecht Science Park Bilthoven (USPB). Both locations complement each other in the field of life sciences. The main location in Utrecht has its focus on healthcare, education, and early-stage R&D. The activities on the satellite location USPB are related to product development, product improvement, and vaccine production. Now USP is redeveloping and developing new facilities on both locations mostly for startups and growth companies. There is limited space for new buildings for large or mature companies. Therefore, USP is also searching for new satellite locations in the region to facilitate future growth.

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